Proud to Deliver an Exceptional Experience

At Duly Health and Care, deliv­er­ing excep­tion­al care is what dri­ves us every day, and we are proud to share that we’re doing just that.

Since 2022, Duly Health and Care has con­sis­tent­ly achieved a Net Pro­mot­er Score (NPS) of 70 mean­ing our teams deliv­er an indus­try-lead­ing expe­ri­ence to the patients we serve.

We’ll explain more about NPS and why it mat­ters, but sim­ply put, our patients are high­ly sat­is­fied with their care expe­ri­ence, so much so that the vast major­i­ty said they would rec­om­mend Duly to friends and family.

We are hon­ored to know that our unre­lent­ing com­mit­ment to care is felt by those we serve. We are extreme­ly proud that not only do our patients trust us with their care, but they’d trust Duly to care for their loved ones, too.

What does Net Pro­mot­er Score (NPS) Mean?

NPS mea­sures cus­tomer loy­al­ty, sat­is­fac­tion and enthu­si­asm for a com­pa­ny by ask­ing their cus­tomers how like­ly they are (on a scale of 0 – 10) to rec­om­mend the com­pa­ny or brand to a friend or fam­i­ly member. 

Why Does Duly’s Net Pro­mot­er Score Matter?

An NPS score above 50 is con­sid­ered excel­lent. Com­pa­nies that achieve an NPS of 70 are cat­e­go­rized as deliv­er­ing an indus­try-lead­ing expe­ri­ence. We are proud to be in the com­pa­ny of some of the most well-known brands, includ­ing Star­bucks, Apple, CVS Health, and Chick-fil‑A.

How is Duly Health and Care’s Net Pro­mot­er Score Captured?

Duly Health and Care’s NPS is cap­tured in patient feed­back sur­veys by an inde­pen­dent part­ner, Press Ganey.